Political Ad Critique (non-bias) pt. 2

Matthew Suchan
2 min readAug 4, 2020


Biden’s up to bat! I have many more President Trump ads to critique, but I wanted to look at a few of Biden’s, too.

First thing to mention, NO nicknames, NO text in ALL CAPS. But I don’t say that sarcastically, or to mock President Trump, but Joe Biden’s normal speaking voice doesn’t have much inflection, so it only makes sense his ads won’t either. Now, we continue onward.

“America is in a time of crisis. But…” You’ll come to recognize that almost all of Biden’s ads admit a negative, then circle back around with a positive. This is a classic underdog trick. He’s not just saying he’s the underdog in this, he’s coming down to the level of his fellow Americans who may seem like everything is gloom & doom.

The second block of text is amazingly well written. The language here is SEO rich, positive, loving, and extremely topical for all Dems. Here’s a list of every power word and long-tailed keywords:

  1. Heal
  2. Protect
  3. We (x2), Our (x2)
  4. Crises
  5. For working people
  6. Protect our environment
  7. Generations to come
  8. Heal our deepest divisions.
  9. Build Back Better (His slogan for the election)

Content: 8/10, Being an avid wordsmith myself, I also appreciated the B-B-B pronunciation in the second sentence.

I applaud the creator of this ad for using THIS specific image. It’s generic, and we’ve seen it before, but it makes sense with the text. The depth effect makes you imagine there’s a large crowd gathered (which there probably was), BUT ALSO, the 4 clearest people behind him are 2 women, 2 males, a Black man, and perhaps other ethnicities. Well played content creator, well played.

The image plays well with the text, too. You can easily imagine Biden saying this exact copy right at the stage and it making complete sense.

[Edit] I completely forgot the image says Are You On Team Joe, because that’s just a general statement and neither adds or takes away from the ad.

Imagery: 10/10, generic and “basic,” but it’s what the ad needed. It’s like calling Ringo Starr an amazing drummer even though he didn’t go crazy on drums; he played what the song needed.



Matthew Suchan
Matthew Suchan

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